Posters for Vida Urgente, an organization devoted to preventing drunk driving. The text on the posters, glued on street posts, reads “There are better things to hit on in the evening. Don´t drink and drive”.
Credits: Copy: Marcelo Firpo Art direction: Joao Pedro Correa, Fernando Hans Agency: Novacentro Client: Vida Urgente Year: 2006
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Agency: Ogilvy & Mather Werbeagentur Creative Director(s): Simon Oppmann, Peter Roemmelt Copywriter: Peter Roemmelt Art Director: Simon Oppmann Photographer: Stockmaterial
AdArena related links: Watch lectures of marketing and advertising gurus here. via
Published nedeľa, januára 28, 2007 by Michal Pastier.
Great calendar for Taylor Lane studio. Agency: LIDA, Great Britain Credits: Creative Director: David Harris Copywriter: Peter West Art Director: David Harris Typographers: David Harris; Justin Shill; Stuart Addy; Jan Hansen
AdArena related links: Watch lectures of marketing and advertising gurus here. via
Copy: Don't make big decisions on an empty stomach. McDonald's. I'm lovin' it.
Agency: DDB, Stockholm, Sweden Creative Director: Andreas Dahlqvist Copywriter: Martin Lundgren Art Director: Lennart Claesson Photographer: Adamsky Other credits: Andreas Hallgren
AdArena related links: Watch lectures of marketing and advertising gurus here. via
Published štvrtok, januára 25, 2007 by Michal Pastier.
Credits: Ogilvy, Johannesburg Fran Luckin / Gerry Human (Creative Director) Alison Hingle (Copywriter) Ivan Pols (Art Director) Illustration: Ivan Pols
AdArena related links: Watch lectures of marketing and advertising gurus here. via
Nokia has just launched a new campaign called Pjotro vs DJ eFFeX. Nokia has extended the original Pjotro campaign and got the human beatbox DJ eFFeX involved. The online campaign is a launched to help the Nseries Music range devices.
Published streda, januára 24, 2007 by Michal Pastier.
Agency: Famiglia, São Paulo, Brazil Art director: Fabio Brigido Copywriter: Samir Mesquita Creative Directors: Fernando Nobre, Atila Francucci Photographer: Lúcio Cunha Illustrators: Darcy Vieira, João Bola
AdArena related links: Watch lectures of marketing and advertising gurus here. via
Agency: DDB, Stockholm, Sweden Creative Director: Andreas Dahlqvist Copywriter: Martin Lundgren Art Director: Lennart Claesson Photographer: Magnus Klackenstam Other credits: Niclas Melin, Jan Wiklund, Åse Sällberg
AdArena related links: Watch lectures of marketing and advertising gurus here. via
YouTube user Eli8Bit was watching (1/21/07)the end of Iron Chef and noticed the screen quickly blink red. Thanks to the magic of his Dish Network DVR, he rewind, and put it in to slow motion.
AdArena related links: Watch lectures of marketing and advertising gurus here.
Erik Vervroegen - the Creative Director of TBWA\Paris, Marcello Serpa - the Creative Director Almap, BBDO in Brazil and Alex Bogusky - the Creative Director of Crispin Porter & Bogusky were recently elevated to sainthood as a part of the promotions for a Young Creatives Competition in Switzerland.
AdArena related links: Watch lectures of marketing and advertising gurus here. via
Published utorok, januára 23, 2007 by Michal Pastier.
Ad from Child department of TEMA, The Turkish Foundation for Combating Soil Erosion, for Reforestation and the Protection of Natural Habitats. Its aim is to create consciousness among primary school children. The poster will be on the walls of primary schools to create interest to join to the foundation, magazines will also be used to support the campaign.
Agency: AlaaddinAdworks, Istanbul Art Director: FiratYildiz Copywriter: Murat Dogu, BirolÖzcanli Playdoh: MetinAkbas Photographer: ZaferKaptanoglu Re-toucher: FiratYildiz
AdArena related links: Watch lectures of marketing and advertising gurus here.
Check When the website starts, you see different bikini-girls, frozen in ice cubes. To free the girls from their ice cold jails, the user can choose a girl and melt the ice with the parking heater control unit. As a reward, she gives the user a hot tip: How he can save hundreds of Euros by buying a Parking Heater, when his car has the necessary technical requirements.
Brand/product advertised: Webasto parking heater for diesel-models Advert title(s): Start: January 2007 Agency: webguerillas GmbH Creative Director: Colin Conrad Client Management: Stefan Becker
AdArena related links: Watch lectures of marketing and advertising gurus here.
Imagine our wireless technologies made a connection to a world beyond our own. Imagine that world used that technology as a doorway into ours. Now, imagine the connection we made can't be shut down. When you turn on your cell phone or log on to your e-mail, they'll get in, you'll be infected and they'll be able to take from you what they don't have anymore -- life.