Published sobota, septembra 30, 2006 by Michal Pastier.
Hi, I’m going to Golden Drum ad fest tomorrow (Sunday). You can meet me in white t-shirt with AdArena logo and headline SEX SELLS. I checked their web and found SEX SELLS on homepage. Thanks guys. I’m coming:)
Festival has grown into not only a European manifestation but into an important event noticed throughout the world. From Trieste to Vladivostok, from Helsinki to Tel Aviv, the Golden Drum is the biggest, the most important and the most noticed advertising overview and event of the year.
Michal Pastier
PS: My team has two shortlists. Keep your fingers crossed.
The Red Bull Flugtag event (with 50 000 visitors)which consists in the construction of flying machines in which the audience will support their favorite car. Taking advantage of this, the Fox channel got infiltrated in this event, giving cardboard megaphones for the car´s support.
For Funradio is typical fun without respect. This is their TV campaign for new morning show Run Fun with local radio/tv stars Adela and Sajfa. Headline: Morning bash! Wake up with Adela and Sajfa.
Client: Funradio Slovakia CD: Peter Darovec Team Leader: Oliver Lippo Copy: Michal Pastier AD: Rasťo Záležák Director: Juraj Štepka Agency: Istropolitana D'Arcy
Sometimes, a hug is all what we need. Free hugs is a real life controversial story of Juan Mann, A man whos sole mission was to reach out and hug a stranger to brighten up their lives. In this age of social disconnectivity and lack of human contact, the effects of the Free Hugs campaign became phenomenal.
Some numbers from YouTUBE about video. Views: 462,299 Comments: 3883 Favorited: 7663 times
The second part of Truth in Advertising, the short film where advertising people say exactly what they think is out here. Get ready to meet the author in person!
Copy: Fotoprix - "perfect pictures for an imperfect world" I think connection between human suffering and digital photo service is not suitable in this execution. First I thought that's ad for Red Cross or whatever else.
Gucci has decided to build its new website without using Flash. The site uses the technology developed by wollzelle with the open source script.aculo.us library to achieve its seemless interactive user experience without using proprietary browser plug-ins—with the user never noticing what’s going on under the wraps. It just works. The company behind the new gucci.com is Wollzelle, a small Austrian agency which created a unique, innovative yet very luxury online experience.
UK TV Advert for Domestos 5x Longer Bleach The Germ is singing a parody of "London bridge is falling down" Nursery Rhyme Vom Master: "I'm gonna make some people vom, People Vom, People Vom, People Vom.. Spew there guts and cry to mom, An't that pritty!"
And why more time millions of germs will die? Check this video.
A 1950´advertisement for the pipe cleanser 'Domestos' presented by the Dollywood studios, who produced far-ahead-of-its-time advertisements for various clients. In this, the Germs that pollute your sinks is greeted by highly detailed animated mini maids!
New media use. Promoting the Hopi Hari's Rollercoaster in Brazilia. Nice.
Agency: QG Propaganda, São Paulo, Brazil Creative Director: Sérgio Lopes, Paulo André Bione Art director: Tchelo Nogueira, Marcelo D'Elboux Copywriter: Rodolfo Barreto