Print: Big Headed DDB Paris
Published piatok, júna 08, 2007 by Radovan Grežo | Post to a Friend

Even though the big/heavy head isn't truly new (just see the
National Geographic TVC in this year's Cannes competition), but it's a nice, clean and beautyfully art directed idea, anyway
The only thing I can't put my head around is why do they need to bragg about the london office's success. Do the parisien clients care?
Advertising Agency: DDB, Paris, France
Creative Director: Alexandre Hervé, Sylvain Thirache
Copywriter: Matthieu Elkaïm
Art Director: Pierrette Diaz
Art Buyer: Sophie Mégrous
Photography: Jean-Yves Lemoigne
Touching up: Christophe Huet/ASILE
Published: March 2007
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