Published utorok, februára 28, 2006 by Michal Pastier.

Category: Antiques & Retail Stores
Agency: Duval Guillaume
Client: Noble Objects
Headline: The longer you wait, the more expensive it gets
via: sandeepmakam

This is absolutely crazy
ad! But I want to FEEEEL GREAT too:)
Watch it
via: advertisingforpeanuts

One of the best things I've ever seen on internet! Yeah, I've found out I am a Rocker!
Exactly 3 months and 2 weeks after the release, there has been over half a million visitors on
this site.
Guitar Shred Show was chosen as a finalist for the 15th Flashforward Film Festival! International jury team has chosen Guitar Shred Show as one of the 22 finalist for the EUROPRIX Top Talent Award.
Neuveriteľne chytľavá, user-friendly simulácia gitary. Respect.
via: rm116

This post is specially for AdArena foreign visitors.
The campaign has been created for Slovak League against cancer with ad idea: passive smoking kills yours closest.
Adforum said that this campaign is from Slovenia, but it’s from Slovakia.
So, anybody seen inspector Colombo’s wife?
Agency: Soria & Grey, SLOVAKIA!
Creative Director: Patrik Kmec
Art Director: Michal Gabriž
Copywriter: Vladimír Kurek, Peter Blaho
Award: The Golden Drum Awards, 2005 (Silver Drum) for Print Ads, Posters
via: adforum, golden drum

Nice guerilla placed in supermarkets.
Product: Fiat Ducato
H: Maximum load capacity
Agency: FCB Sao Paulo
Via: adhunt
Published nedeľa, februára 26, 2006 by Michal Pastier.

Agency: Publicis Auckland
Art Directors: Emmanuel Bougneres, Josh Moore
Writer: Guy Denniston
CD: Nick Worthington
via: adverbox

Copy: Exercise is a great way to control the urge to smoke. Go on, knock that cigarette out.
Agency: David, India
Published piatok, februára 24, 2006 by Michal Pastier.

Web 2.0 brings new logos. Enjoy!
via: BoingBoing
Published štvrtok, februára 23, 2006 by Michal Pastier.

Copy: Literacy needs a lift.
Every coin dropped raising the plate of the books symbolizes their effort in raising the child literacy.

Every coin dropped into this box increased the amount of water dispensed by it. McCann Erickson.
Published streda, februára 22, 2006 by Michal Pastier.

Everybody know what is an advergame. But, check the
anti ad game! Manage the whole supply chain of a mc donald's fast food restaurant. Made by the
molleindustria caricaturing
mc donald's.
Výborná hra na McDonald, kde okrem iného dávate odznaky zamestnancom, kravám genetické inekcie a ničíte lesy, lebo ich potrebujete pre polia. Nice:)
via: netzkobold

Na chrbte kartónovej postavy bol text: "More Public Toilets" a odkaz na stránku, na ktorej mohli obyvatelia zahlasovať za zákon o zväčšení ich počtu v NY.
Saatchi & Saatchi, New York.

A ďakujem za tip Cevanovi. Pepsi mala naozaj podobný print.
via: coloribus

Artist: Conor Harrington
'A Quiet Riot' showcases Conor's use of both oils and spray paint.
stolenspacevia: woostercollective
Published utorok, februára 21, 2006 by Michal Pastier.

H: The Biggest sports store ever
via: lgarcia

H: Become a nicer person
Agentúra: Lowe Bull, South Africa
Published pondelok, februára 20, 2006 by Michal Pastier.

Ak poznáte autora, prosím napíšte mi.

H: See everything 10 times bigger.
via: 24

H: The Kangaroos Have Arrived
Agentúra: Del Campo Nazca - Saatchi & Saatchi
Copywriter: “El Chavo” D’emilio
via: frederiksamuel
Published sobota, februára 18, 2006 by Michal Pastier.

The top pictures shows U.S. Versions of Mariah Carey`s album. Beneath are the Saudi Arabian improvements.
Fantastické aká je Mariah trendy v Saudskej Arábii. Retuš nohavice sú proste IN.
via: sloganmaker

H: Nice beard. Nice Face.
Agentúra: Scholz & Friends Berlin
via: adhunt
Published piatok, februára 17, 2006 by Michal Pastier.

Koncept neotáčavých reklám na diskoch áut zavítal, po USA a Austrálii, aj do Európy.
via: visiononwheels